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Frecuently Asked Questions

As a homeowner, you need to know how to take care of your home's air conditioning and heating system. Here is a collection of frequently asked questions which may help you. Please contact us with any other questions - we are here to help you.

Can you come after 5:00 P.M.?

We schedule service calls Monday-Friday until 5:00 P.M. We will make exceptions for special situations to try and accommodate a customer's schedule.


How often should I change my filter?

Check your filter on a monthly basis and determine if it needs changed.


How often should I have my air conditioner and heater checked?

We recommend an annual spring check and winter check.


What do I do if I see a water spot on my ceiling?

Shut the system off and call us. You more than likely have a problem with your primary drain line.


What do I do if I see water coming out of the pipe on the outside of my house?

Shut the system off and call us. You more than likely have a primary drain line stopped up and the secondary line has taken over and sends the water to the outside of the house.


My A/C is not cooling and my outside condenser is not running, what do I do?

We recommend you check your circuit breaker. If it is tripped, do not reset it. Call us for service.


What should I do if my system is frozen?

We recommend you turn the system off and turn the fan to the "on position" at the thermostat so the system can thaw and then call us. We cannot work on a frozen unit.


What is the difference between a 13 SEER and a 16 SEER system?

A 13 SEER is the minimum efficiency standard required by the government for residential A/C systems. A 16 SEER system is more efficient and maintains a higher comfort level in your home at a lower operating cost.


What does SEER stand for, and why should it matter to me?

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The higher the SEER number, the more efficient the system. Think MPG's for your A/C.


What steps can I take to prolong the life of my A/C system?

Have a licensed contractor check and clean your system yearly. This ensures the system is running within manufacturer specs and can prevent potential problems in the future and reduces operating costs.


Why are filters so important to my health and home?

Filters remove airborne particles from your home and protect your equipment by keeping your indoor blower and evaporator coil clean. Dirty equipment can drastically affect your system performance and efficiency. Most people are not aware that the air in your home is up to 5X more polluted than the outside air. We offer several whole house filtration options to address allergy, mold, and dust problems.


My system is 10 years old but still cools fine, should I replace it?

Your A/C system is working, but how much is it costing you? For instance, a 5 ton system operating at 9 SEER replaced with a new 16 SEER 5 ton system can save you as much as $1,000.00 per year!


Is there such a thing as too much air conditioning in a home?

Yes. It is important to perform a heat load calculation, a detailed analysis of your homes A/C requirements, to determine the proper A/C size. Too much A/C can cause humidity problems and system inefficiency.

Comfort Air - Your Comfort - We Care | 254-722-8862 | Sales M-F 8 am - 5 pm | Emergency Service 24/7

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